Prayer to Santa Barbara

Prayer to Santa Barbara. Suffered among the other women of the land Santa Barbara is worthy of our admiration since she witnessed the hatred of the person who should have loved her. Raise one prayer to Santa Barbara It can help us in many cases and even in those where we have lost hope. 

Her life on earth faith full of pain and suffering, however, remained in the fight by fighting her own battle and although for her enemy defeat was imminent, she reached the crown of the going that is promised to the faithful saints who They fight with the heart.

Woman of unwavering faith, strong, faithful and our ally in moments of anguish.

Prayer to Santa Barbara

Prayer to Santa Barbará

He lived on earth in the times of the third century in Asia Minor.

In his life he suffered a lot due to his religious beliefs since they went against those of his family. History says that his own father was a strong enemy of Christianity at that time, a religion that Barbara professed freely.

It was he, Dioscoro, his father, who locked her in a very tall tower as a punishment for her religious differences.

In the time that kept her locked up she was faithful to her faith, was baptized and preached her religion at all times.

It is said that the tower had only one window and she ordered two others to be opened as a symbol of the divine trinity.

When her father returned, he tried her and received mistreatment and humiliation and it was Dioscoro himself who cut off her head with his own sword on top of a mountain. It is said that after this murder a ray from heaven struck him and took his life.

Santa Barbara prayer for money 

Powerful Santa Barbara, a fighter, help me win this battle.

You who did not fall into the temptation of evil, you who claimed with your love, all adversity, coming out victorious, I beg you to intercede for GOD, Our Lord, to help me cope with this moment in which He tests me.

May he, from his august abode, grant me sufficient strength where good will be the winner.

(Make your first Money Request)

Lord, that you gave Santa Barbara an incredible strength to withstand the greatest outrages and torments for being faithful to You, we ask that, like her, we be strong in adversity and humble in prosperity to achieve like her eternal bliss.

Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

(make your second Money Request)

Blessed Barbara, who dyed your chaste virginity with the purpura of your blood for the love of the Lord, defend me from the storms, fires, catastrophes and all calamities of this world.

Save me from sudden death. Intercede for me to the Lord to help me achieve prosperity in this life, to live in holy friendship and reach the end of my days in peace in his divine grace.

(make your third money plea)


This Santa Barbara prayer for money is very strong!

She has taught us to depend on God, to believe that her promises are fulfilled and to live in much and in little. She, who has suffered poverty It can help us to be prospered.

Praying for money to come to us in this time of crisis is necessary and asking for Santa Barbara in faith is an act of obedience that we must do daily.

There are prayers or prayers They can guide us to ask in the right way. However, the important thing and the only guarantee we have to know that our prayer was heard is to keep the faith alive.

Prayer Santa Barbara blessed for love 

Warrior of the heavens, blessed Santa Barbara, heed my pleas for love so that ..

(say your name and that of your beloved)

Unite in body and soul, protecting them so that no one gets in their way of happiness and union. Blessed Saint Barbara anoints the hair of (repeat the names) quench their thirst with your infinite love for their good wishes powerful justice of the impossible fight in defense of these eternal lovers (repeat your name and that of your beloved).


LOVE has been one of the causes of joy and sorrows most common since the beginning of time and to this day.

Santa Barbara's father's love was denied to his daughter and this led him to commit an act as heinous as the beheading of his own daughter.

No one better than her, who has been hated by who should not do it, to understand our pain in the case of not being reciprocated in love.

This prayer can help us free ourselves from bad energies so that love will reach us and surprise us.

Prayer to Saint Barbara blessed for protection 

Saint Barbara, blessed virgin, great of immense power, may God be with you, and you with me on the path of good.

With your winning sword deliver me from evil, injustice, envy and evil eyes. With the power of lightning, protect me from my enemies, glorify the fire mouth of my cannon and let it emerge victorious.

With the cup of your cup and wine keep the strength of my body and spirit for the hard fight and combat.

Receive my apples and daisies as an offering that I always keep in mind in my thoughts and in my home, and I beg you, never leave me and come to me whenever I claim you to defend my faith, my land, my family and my struggles; and that in the end you always take me to glory like you.


This is a beautiful prayer for Blessed Barbara to protect Santa.

A tool that we can use when we need it, prayer also becomes our shield and not only against dangers but also against everything negative that our lives or those of our families want to achieve. 

There are many testimonies of faithful believers who have received timely response from Santa Barbara at the time of anguish, when we ask for protection for ourselves or a family member it becomes effective.

For the enemies 

Oh God! away from my side, from my life, those evil and miserable beings that lurk.

I come to you, Santa Barbara to confuse them, separate them from me so that they cannot harm me and I cry out with faith and give you my life.

You, the sublime protector of men, the blessed benefactor of the one who invokes you and generous Christian that you open your chest for the good beings, give me your help, in him I enter and from him I will leave with the blood of your heart, to free me from them .

Take away from me the envy and betrayal, defend me I beg of evils and enemies, that evil does not touch me and hate does not harm me, drives away the bad neighbor and the bad friend, confuses my enemies so that they do not influence me, help me to dominate those who want me badly so that I can be victorious in any situation that harms me.

Do not let them interrupt my Christian march and if they persist, hell is punishment as payment for their evils.

Deliver me Saint Barbara blessed from all evil, deliver me Saint Barbara blessed from all enemies, protect my life from harm so that I can live in peace and tranquility. For Jesus and the Virgin.

So be it.

Take advantage of the power of that dominant Santa Barbara prayer for enemies.

Everyone enemies and even in our own house. We see it in the history of Santa Barbara as her own father attacked her to death.

You may not be suffering an attack as direct as this but you never have to rely on enemies.

The prayer for domination of the enemies that rises to Santa Barbara may be the only way we have to free ourselves from persecution and danger.

To dominate unfaithful partner

Blessed Saint Barbara, you who were able to make so many people reconcile, do me a small favor, find love, make my heart noble and true, make love enter my heart and fill me with happiness, I want to be able to know true love, the true feeling, Santa Barbara, you who have so much power in it, grant me that favor, that my request reaches you, so that I can receive your blessing, Santa mistress, of perfect loves and without lies, you that you have the virtue and are so exclaimed by the whole world, come to me and give me the opportunity to receive your blessing, I want you to send my prayers again.

My prayers to God so that he can make my life full of love, full of peace you can make it miraculous Santa Barbara, I ask you to give me love, more love and more love, joy much joy, good wishes, good thoughts, good deeds, help me to triumph in it, love, it will be for me as a step, a path, Santa Barbara, you who can do everything, grant me and have the true feeling of love come to me, trust your power and your goodness, amen.

This type of prayer is still highly criticized by some who think it is a selfish act that is done from the pride of being hurt or abandoned. But this is not true.

Praying to gain dominion over someone or a specific situation is an act of love that arises from the despair of needing a miracle and not being able to obtain it. 

A prayer that is made believing will always receive the response you are requesting, whatever the request, Blessed Saint Barbara's prayer is powerful.

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