Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for protection or for another purpose it is a practice that comes from ancient times because from then until today there are many miracles attributed to this miraculous saint.

It is said that he is the patron of the difficult causes that one of the first miracles that were known was to help a poor father with shoes or bags full of gold that he dropped through the window to remedy his difficult situation and thus could save to his daughters of the bad way. 

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari

It is for this and many more reasons that this saint becomes the ally in which we can take refuge in those difficult moments that appear to us as parents, knowing that he has in his hands the help we need, no matter how difficult it is. the situation or how big the miracle is needed. 

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari Who was Saint Nicholas of Bari? 

It is known that he was born in the bosom of a powerful family that had many riches. His parents were fervent Christians gave him an education based on Christian beliefs. Since childhood he was noted for being generous and pious. Nicolás was orphaned and as a result inherited a great fortune that I do not hesitate to give to those who needed it. 

This is why today his figure is represented with gold coins in his hands. In addition his name gave rise to the myth of St. Nicholas or Santa Claus who is a generous elder who gives gifts to children in the month of December.

Nicolás de Bari grew up and became a bishop and maintained a strong war with those who practiced pagan cults.

By an order of the Emperor Licinius he was locked up in jail where he tortured you by burning his beard and then release it by order of Emperor Constantine. His death came on the sixth of December and his remains now rest in Bari. He became the first Saint, who is not classified as a martyr, to receive devotion from believers from all over the world who left numerous accounts of miracles that the Saint had granted them on his grave. 

Prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for protection

«Oh blessed Saint Nicholas of Bari! whom God has glorified with innumerable miracles manifesting his will that we come to you, in the difficult moments of our lives, trusting in your protection.

Oh wonder of charity! to which families, the poor, the sick, merchants, employees, prisoners, children, maidens in danger go; I humbly ask you to grant me the grace that I expect from you, trusting in your most valuable protection, which you never deny to your devotees, so that favored by your kindnesses, we sing once again the mercies of the Lord, and the wonders of his saints . Most Provident Saint Nicholas! do not leave me."

This prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for protection is wonderful!

This Saint who protected with his goods those who needed a shelter or a helping hand is still powerful today to provide that protection to ourselves to our relatives. When going on a trip, when starting a new day, when leaving the house and other material goods without care or when having a difficult situation Santo can provide us with the timely help we need providing protection and protection. 

This, like all the prayers It must be done with faith and clearly. It is not necessary to learn a prayer because it can be in our own words being a genuine prayer. Let us remember that the good Lord promises in his word that whatever we ask for believing we will receive.

How should you pray the prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for protection?

Some believers recommend doing novenarios, which consists of praying for nine nights or nine days, consecutively.

This is effective and can work in those not so desperate cases where we also need to increase our faith. However, the correct way to do this and any prayer is following the impulse of the heart and with faith and assurance that what we are asking for will be granted to us. 

There is no exact formula, however in the Bible we find that faith is the ingredient that cannot be missing because it is what guarantees that the miracle will be granted.

St. Nicholas whenever he sees the need is willing to help and this is what you should focus on.

Tell him about your problem and ask for what you need, surely his generous hands will soon give you what you are asking for. 

I hope you enjoyed the prayer to Saint Nicholas of Bari for protection.

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