Prayer to Oshun for love

Oshun prayer. At all times the power for love is to seize those spiritual weapons that were sent to us from zeal.

Let us remember, then, that in the sacred scriptures God himself teaches us how to pray, that is, this practice should be done with conscience and responsibility since the results may surprise us.  

Prayer to Oshun Who is Oshun?

Oshun prayer

It is a deity in the Yoruba religion. It is believed that she has a special power over love and all sentimental themes.

It is believed that at the beginning of religion women were not admitted and she felt excluded since her faith was unwavering. 

This annoyance led her to commit actions that prevented the women of the town from conceiving children, for this reason the Orishas were forced to invite her to participate in the cult of what she agreed to but after many pleas and pleas for it was already a lot of damage What he had done to the people. 

When she became involved with religious activities, as was her desire, things in the town returned to normal; the women could conceive and the projects that were paralyzed could move forward.  

Prayer to Oshun for love

By the powers of the earth, by the presence of fire, by the inspiration of the air, by the virtues of water, I invoke and conjure Oshun, by the strength of sacred hearts and tears shed for love, so that they may address to (JMM) wherever he is, bringing his spirit before me (LR) tying him definitively to mine.

May his spirit bathe in the essence of my love and return love to me in fourfold.

That (JMM) never wants another person and that his body only belongs to me (LR) belongs to me.

That (JMM) do not drink, do not eat, do not speak, do not listen, do not sing unless it is in my presence.

May my memories imprison him forever, by the powers of this Prayer.

My white girl, Oshun ay use her power and move (JMM) away from any woman with whom he is at the moment; And if you were to call my name.

I want to tie the spirit and body of (JMM) because I want him tied up and in love with me (LR) I want (JMM) to remain dependent on my love, I want to see him crazy about me (LR) wishing me as if I (LR) were the Last person on the face of the earth.

I want his heart to be attached to me forever, that in the name of the great Oshun this feeling will flourish within (JMM) leaving him imprisoned at my 24 hours a day.

OH Oshun, you must bring (JMM) for me, for I desire him, and I want him quickly.

By your hidden powers, let (JMM) begin to love me (LR) from this exact moment and think only of me (LR) as if I were the only person in the world.

That (JMM) comes running towards me, full of hope and desire, that (JMM) has no peace until he comes to look for me, and come back to me. Oshun I implore you to bring me to (JMM.)

That (JMM) loves me a lot, come meek and as I wish. I thank Oshun.

And I promise to always carry with me his name. Amen.

This is Oshun's prayer for the best known love.

To ask her to help us in things of love is to give her the opportunity to enter our intimate life in order to help us find her weaknesses and strengthen her.

In cases where the problems have already advanced and there seems to be nothing that can be done, those are the cases where she becomes more powerful in order to help us. 

When can I pray the prayer?

The sentences They can be done at any time as they are a tool that we can use whenever we need.

If it is true that it is nice to be able to pray in a good environment, but this is not an exclusive requirement.

We can always pray, at all times and in all places. 

Does the prayer for Oshun work fast?

Every prayer is powerful if it is done with faith in the heart because we cannot come to ask for help from someone we think cannot help us.

If we pray it is because we believe in the power of prayer.

Unshakable faith is achieved through practice, as we get to know the spiritual world we grow in faith and in the knowledge of everything related to prayers, which is of great importance for our lives. 

Make the most of the power of Oshun's prayer for love!

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