Prayer to San Alejo to ward off undesirable people

The prayer to San Alejo is a powerful resource when it comes to wanting to definitively remove an undesirable being from our lives. There are different prayers to ask San Alejo for this, today we bring a couple of them.

San Alejo, who in life dedicated himself to spreading and spreading the word of the Lord, is recognized today as the favorite saint to try to keep people away that do us harm or simply do not contribute anything positive to our lives.

Both for his personal virtues and his miraculous qualities, San Alejo is the saint indicated to move away bad vibes, bad people and bad thoughts. Next, we will show you two different prayers to this saint, both very powerful.

Prayer to keep people away to San Alejo

Saint Alejo blessed that you drive away people who do not suit my life, I ask you today to allow your protection to me and my family, that through you you can ask our Lord God for his blessing for all of us.

Surround me and my family with people who are under your condition and your parameters, people who want to get closer to you day by day and who do not think of any evil or hold envy or rancor in their hearts..

Saint Alejo, I ask you to make blind, deaf and mute every soul that does not yearn for the good for me or for those around me.

Lower the guard of any heart that is around me and fill it with love at the time that it is going to approach me or any person in my family so that no type of inconvenience, bad desire or resentment surrounds us.

Holy God, you who are the owner of all the souls and hearts that are in this world, placate them when they are close to me and make in your presence every bad desire become a blessing.

Through your intersection, Saint Alejo Blessed, ask God for my protection and that of all those around me, to cover us with his mantle and love.

Keep me away from the enemy, the liar, the traitor, the bully, the magic or anyone who has bad energy to go in your direction.

Keep me away from anyone who wants to see me surrendered or sunk, Saint of my devotion.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


San Alejo was dedicated, mostly, to children and people with delicate health conditions. That is why he is recognized as the protector and support of all those who need it most. If this is your case, do not hesitate to pray to this saint at least once a day.

Prayer to San Alejo to ward off undesirable people

You can accompany these prayers with a candle, preferably very early in the morning. Followed by a Hail Mary.

Second prayer to remove conflicting people

Another prayer to ward off undesirable people from San Alejo is the next.

Oh blessed Saint Alexius

Very precious example of love

That you served everyone you could without expecting anything in return

We come to bless you

And show you our devotion

Because with your humility, and surrender, you earned the love of God

Oh blessed Saint Alexius

Today I come to ask you a favor

That you take away from me an undesirable person, which causes me a lot of pain

Just as you walked away from your parents

To be able to grow spiritually

Get (name the person) out of my life, so that I can live in peace

Oh blessed Saint Alexius

Teach me a little bit of the love you gave your neighbor

In order to learn to tolerate

To people who are undesirable, and we cannot take apart

Oh blessed Saint Alexius

You who are at the right hand of God

I ask you to intercede for me in front of your eyes

To find grace in front of me

Making me a better person

And so I can bless my life

And make me a little happier

Because sharing with this person is a true living

I thank you San Alejo blessed

For listening to my prayers

And offer me your unconditional support.


Do not forget to always pray with a lot of faith, conviction and devotion to the saint. Otherwise, San Alejo will not hear you if your words are not mentioned. Whether it is a person who is making your life difficult or it is a set of things, pray to San Alejo to ward off undesirable evils it is very effective.