Prayer to Saint Rita of Casia

Santa Rita was an Italian nun who was born under the name of Margherita Lotti, in the year 1381 in Roccaporena. She always remained firm in a matter of faith, even until the moment when her children died for committing the sin of wanting to avenge the death of her father.

Santa Rita is associated with roses and white bees, as can be found in many paintings in the Basilica of Santa Rita.

Santa Rita reported that her husband's attitude was very controlling, he often forbade her from going to church or giving charity to the poor, but her faith was so great that she did it in secret.

One day she was going to give bread to some poor people who did not have to eat, she hid it under her dress. Her husband surprised her, she wanted to snatch the loaf of bread from her. But to her surprise when she lifted her dress up the bread turned into a bouquet of white roses.

As for the bees, after Santa Rita's baptism, it is said that they entered and left her mouth at night to deposit their honey, which had healing properties.

Currently in the monastery where he lived the bees perch on the walls, have been studied and are considered unique in the world.

What is the prayer to Santa Rita?

"Oh powerful Santa Rita, called Lawyer of desperate cases, helper in the last hope, refuge and salvation in pain, which leads to the abyss of crime and despair: with all the confidence in your heavenly power, I turn to you in the difficult and unforeseen case that painfully oppresses my heart.”

“Tell me, oh Santa Rita, aren't you going to help me?, aren't you going to console me? Are you going to remove your gaze and your pity from my heart, so extremely troubled? You also know what the martyrdom of the heart is, so extremely troubled! For the atrocious sorrows, for the bitter tears that you holyly shed, come to my aid. Speak, pray, intercede for me, who dare not do so, to the Heart of God, Father of mercy and source of all consolation, and get me the grace I desire (indicate the desired grace here). Presented, it is certain that he will listen to me: and I will use this favor to improve my life and my customs, to sing on earth and in heaven the divine mercies."

Santa Rita

What is asked of Santa Rita de Casia in her prayer?

There are many events that marked the life of Santa Rita for which her best-known prayers are made, among them she is considered a saint and is prayed for:

  • The impossible causes.
  • Strength against abuse.
  • The family.
  • The lost causes.
  • Mother's love.
  • The Fidelity.
  • The diseases.
  • The wounds.

Not only within Catholicism is the prayer to Santa Rita performed, also the morning prayer to attract the energies of the spirit of God, for your personal goods such as prayer for the business, and the angels servants of God as Saint Raphael the Archangel.

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