Powerful prayer of forgiveness: forgive, release and be happy!

Forgiveness is defined as a spiritual or mental process that aims to end the feeling of anger or resentment towards someone or oneself. Feeling that probably comes from a perceived offense, differences, errors or failures. However, granting forgiveness to someone or yourself is not an easy task! A good way to help you with this process is to do prayer of forgivenessSurely it will minimize the difficulties surrounding the search for forgiveness.

Why is it important to say the prayer of forgiveness?

The act of forgiving is not for a few! Yes, it is very difficult and unfortunately some people do not understand such complexity. When it comes to feelings, things that seem simple acquire a much greater proportion. But the important thing is to do everything possible to get rid of this anguish and be happy. In addition, here are some reasons to forgive:

  • Forgiving is good for us, your self-esteem will surely increase;
  • He who forgives is merciful;
  • Forgiveness frees us from bad feelings and allows us to move on;
  • Forgiving is a commandment of God;
  • When we forgive those who hurt us, God accepts our offerings.

But we know that forgiving those who hurt us can be a very complicated task, so we have separated some prayers from forgiveness so you can get rid of that frustration and find well-being again. Check it out below:

Powerful prayer to forgive

“My God, I forgive (name of the person) for the damage you have done to me and what you have wanted to do to me, since I wish you to forgive me, and also to forgive me, for the injustices that I may have committed. If you have put it in my path as proof, let your will be done.

Get away from me, my God, the idea of ​​cursing him, and all evil desire against him. Do not make me feel joy for the misfortunes that may arise.
Nor any concern for the goods that can be granted, so that my soul is not confused with unworthy thoughts of an enlightened being. May your goodness, Lord, when you reach it, lead you to the best feelings towards me.

Good spirit, inspire me to forget evil and the memory of good. May neither hate nor resentment nor the desire to pay evil and evil return to my heart, because hate and revenge belong only to evil, incarnate and disembodied spirits.

On the contrary, can I be ready to reach out to you as a fraternal hand, to return evil for good and to help you if it is in your power? I wish, to prove the sincerity of my words, that I be offered the opportunity to serve you; But above all, my God, protect me from doing it out of pride or ostentation, oppressing it with humiliating generosity, which would make me lose the fruit of my action, because then I would deserve to have these words of Christ applied to me: "You have already received your reward."

Prayer of forgiveness and peace.

“Heavenly Father, light the fire of divine love in me and in my family.
Take us to a deeper union with the Lord through forgiveness, open your eyes and give us a new vision, help us see the areas of my life that are in the dark for lack of forgiveness.
Lord Jesus Christ, help me to be obedient, to forgive. Help me to love and forgive as you love and forgive: unconditionally. Help me change the tendency of my heart for others to see Your peace reigning victoriously in me and desire this peace that only comes from You.
Oh sweet Holy Spirit, enlighten my body and my mind, my heart and my soul. Do not allow any area of ​​my being to remain in the dark. It reveals to me all the areas where there is unforgiveness, where there is bitterness, resentment, hate and anger. It gives me the strength and the desire to open myself to the gift and grace of forgiveness, to accept them and to act accordingly.
All glory, honor and praise to the Lord, loving Father, now and for all eternity.
Amen! Hallelujah! Amen! »

Strong prayer of forgiveness

“God, Father of love and kindness, who in His infinite mercy welcomes all who approach You with a repentant heart, receives my request for forgiveness for so many faults committed against You and my brothers.
Lord Jesus Christ, Master of tenderness and love, who has returned life to the fullness of so many men and women immersed in sin and walkers of darkness, guide me in the ways of forgiveness and strengthen my soul so that I can have humility To apologize. and the mercy of knowing how to forgive.
The Holy Spirit, Comforter of the soul, Advocate of the righteous and Paraclete of love, inspires in my heart gestures of goodness and tenderness that return to the anguished hearts the beauty of forgiveness and the graces of reconciliation.

The prayer of forgiveness of Chico Xavier

"Lord Jesus!
Teach us to forgive, as you have forgiven us and us, every step of our lives.
It helps us understand that forgiveness is the power that can extinguish evil.
It induces us to recognize in our brothers that the unfortunate darkness children of God as much as we do, and that it is our duty to interpret them as sick, in need of care and love.
Lord Jesus, every time we feel victims of someone's attitude, it makes us understand that we are also susceptible to mistakes and that, for this reason, the faults of others could be ours.
Lord, we know what forgiveness of offenses is, but have mercy on us and teach us how to do it.
So be it! »

Now that you have chosen the prayer of forgiveness Ideal for you, enjoy and see other powerful prayers too:

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