Learn the prayer of Saint Catherine that brings the beloved

Catherine of Alexandria, was the pagan daughter of the King of Alexandria and was considered the most beautiful and intelligent in the kingdom. For this reason, he did not lack suitors to marry. However, Catherine converted to Christianity by having a vision in which she married Jesus Christ. When he woke up, the wedding ring was in his hand and because of that vision, the prayer of santa catalina Bringing the loved one is so famous.

History of Santa Catarina

Up to the time of this vision, Catherine devoted herself exclusively and intensely to her studies, and was completely incredulous about religion. With the death of her father, the king, her mother became very attached to religion and she converted to Christianity, but Catherine was adamant not to convert.

The day he had the vision, he converted to Christianity. From then on, Catherine of Alexandria became a defender of the Christians persecuted by the Emperor Maxentius. To do so, she used all of her intelligence and knowledge.

The legend says that in order to counteract the saint's arguments, the emperor summoned 50 philosophers and, as a final result of Catherine's intelligence and knowledge, everyone converted. This episode left the emperor very shocked, and ordered that all converts be burned alive and that Catherine be arrested.

In addition, she decided that she would make Catalina de Alejandría his wife, and to convince her of this, Maxentius tortured her by giving her very little food and water. When the emperor realized that all this would be in vain, he condemned it to torment a wheel, which was a set of four wheels that turned in the opposite direction with extremely sharp blades.

Just when Catherine was about to be tied behind the wheel, she knelt and prayed for God to intercede for her. Almost immediately, lightning strikes the object as do the executioners. Santa Catarina was unharmed.

These events helped increase Catherine's popularity. In this way she became a known and beloved Christian, earning the title of saint. This is how St. Catherine's prayer became popular, especially for those seeking help to find love and get rid of enemies.

Prayer of Saint Catherine to bring your love

«My blessed Saint Catherine, who is beautiful like the sun, beautiful like the moon and beautiful like the stars, you who entered the house of Abraham and softened 50,000 men, all brave as lions, so I ask you, lady, open up to me. the heart of (Name of person).

(Name of the person), when you see me, you will work for me. If you are sleeping you will not sleep, if you are eating you will not eat. Don't calm down until you talk to me. You will cry for me, for me to sigh, just as the Blessed Virgin cried for her Blessed Son.

(Repeat three times the name of the loved one, hit with the left foot on the floor and repeat the name), under my left foot I finish you, either with three, with four or with the part of the heart.
If you are sleeping you will not sleep, if you are eating you will not eat, if you are talking we will not talk, do not rest until you come to me, say what you know and give what you have.
You will love me among all the women in the world, and I will look at you as a fresh and beautiful rose. Amen

Saint Catherine's prayer against enemies

“Saint Catherine, worthy wife of Our Lord Jesus Christ, you were that Lady who entered the city, found 50,000 brave men like lions, softened their hearts with the word of reason.

So I pray that it will soften the hearts of our enemies. The eyes have me and they do not see me, the mouth has me and does not speak to me, the arms have me and they do not tie me, the legs have me and they do not reach me, I remain still as stone instead, I heard my prayer, virgin martyr, to be able to achieve all that I beg you
Saint Catherine, pray for us. Amen.

Knowing the prayer of santa catalina, you will have your requests to get rid of the enemies and find the fulfilled love. But what do you think gets more protection and other blessings? Learn other sentences from the texts below:

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