12 Bible verses for weddings and weddings

Marriages are much more than a simple celebration is a spiritual act where two people decide to unite their lives before God and many witnesses with the purpose of living with that beloved person every day until death separates them.

In a world where divorces are the order of the day it is important to rescue the true value of this beautiful act and what better way to do it than by sharing some Bible verses for weddings and weddings that will give that spiritual character that this act implies.  

Bible verses for weddings and weddings

At present, the word marriage has lost alarmingly the value it has and it is that the new generations seem to make life tests with the marriage and if it does not work they decide to divorce and try as many times as necessary until they reach a decent marriage, according Your own criteria. 

That is why sharing these verses will help you a lot so that you can make a wise decision and if you are already in the preparations then you can take strength and make sure that God agrees with that union because he is the God of families happy 

1. Love is forever

Mattheww 7:7-8

Mattheww 7:7-8 "He, responding, said to them: Have you not read that the one who made them at the beginning, male and female made them, and said: That is why the man will leave father and mother, and will join his wife, and the two will be one meat? So they are no longer two, but only one flesh; therefore, what God gathered, do not separate man.

The marriage union is a pact that is made for a lifetime, that was the purpose of the creator from the beginning; or the man will leave the bosom of his home and, together with his wife, his wife, will form a new one. Being one flesh is an example of unity in every way, so marriage should be.

2. God will be by your side

Proverbs 31: 10

Proverbs 31:10 "Virtuous woman, who will find her? Because her esteem far exceeds that of precious stones. ”

Finding a virtuous woman is a privilege, in this passage he tells us how fortunate he is that he gets his wife full of virtues to share his life and together form a family. A virtuous woman is, among other things, the one who upholds the precepts of the Lord. 

3. Don't forget to ask God for help in marriage

Ephesians 5: 25-26

Ephesians 5: 25-26 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, to sanctify her, having purified her in the washing of water by the word ”.

This text is a very wise advice for men, they are responsible for providing their marriage with not only material things but also spiritual things, it is they who must love unconditionally and, without a doubt, will receive the same from back, they will be loved in a genuine and true way. 

4. Love your partner

2 Corintios 6: 14

2 Corinthians 6:14 “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what fellowship has justice with injustice? And what communion has light with darkness?"

For those who still have some doubts as to whether or not they should marry, you should think that if it is an unequal yoke then you should not link your life to that person. An unequal yoke may be that you keep your faith and your partner does not. It is advice to take into account before marriage. 

5. God loves marriage

Bible verses for weddings and weddings

Proverbial 5: 18-19 "May your spring be blessed,
And rejoice with the woman of your youth. As a beloved and graceful gazelle doe. His caresses satisfy you at all times, And in his love always recreate yourself ”.

When you have a few years of marriage, there are many things that come to mind and just in those moments is that this text has incredible power. That woman who united her life to you, is where your joy is, her caresses must always satisfy you, until death do you part. 

6. Always protect your love

Bible verses for weddings and weddings

Ecclesiastes 4: 9-11 "Two are better than one; Because they have better pay for their work. Because if they fall, the one will raise his partner; but woe to him alone! that when I fall, there will be no second to pick it up. Also if two sleep together, they will warm each other; more, how will one heat up? ”

There comes a point in our life in which we think about what we are going to do in the remaining days and the Lord leaves us very clear instructions in his word. We must worry about finding a person who will accompany you throughout life. For the man it is a woman and for the woman a man. 

7. God will protect you

Colossians 3: 18-19

Colossians 3: 18-19 "Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your women, and do not be harsh with them.

The subjection in the married woman is a subject that at present seems to be forgotten. Or it has nothing to do with machismo or feminism, being subject does not mean that they give up their rights, much less, it is rather an act of love in which the church of Christ is imitated. 

8. God helps couples

Genesis 2:18

Genesis 2:18 "And Jehovah God said: It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

From the beginning the families were in the heart of the Lord and this passage in the Bible reminds us. The Lord does not want us in solitude for life but has created a person especially for us and everything is in his hands. It is not good for man to be alone and he will find a company of life. 

9. Count on God in your marriage

Ephesians 5: 28

Ephesians 5: 28 "So too husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. ”

We cannot love anyone without first loving ourselves. This advice given to husbands is precious, as it invites us to love beginning in ourselves. No man can love his wife if that man cannot love himself first. 

10. Have faith during the marriage

Mark 10: 7-8

Mark 10: 7-8 "That is why the man will leave his father and mother, and will join his wife and the two will be one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one. ”

They will no longer be two but they will be one, this phrase has so much power because it speaks to us in a clear and direct way about the type of unity that must exist within marriage. You should no longer think of individual but now plural because the Bible says so and that is good.

11. Always do your best

Romans 7: 2

Romans 7: 2 "Because the married woman is subject by law to the husband while he lives; but if the husband dies, she is free from the law of the husband. ”

A pact until death do you part and not until problems or difficulties do. We must value marriage as what it is: an institution created by God himself. Let us value this covenant and give it the right character it should always have, we are only free from this covenant when one of the two goes to the kingdom of God. 

12. Have faith during the wedding

Titus 2: 4-5

Titus 2: 4-5 "That they teach young women to love their husbands and their children, to be prudent, chaste, careful of their home, good, subject to their husbands, so that the God's word don't be blasphemed. "

Youth seems to have lost important values ​​and it is necessary for them to recover. This biblical passage is a clear invitation to give importance to those values ​​such as prudence or respect, they must be taught again and strengthened so that the course is a blessing for all. 

Did you like all our verses for weddings and weddings?

Read also this article on 13 verses of encouragement, 11 verses of God's love y Bible verses for young Catholics.


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