Serenity Prayer

Serenity Prayer It is addressed to Reinhold Niebuhr who was an American philosopher, theologian, and writer.

This prayer that became very popular only its first phrases, has its origin in the Second World War although the stories that go around this prayer are somewhat varied, the truth is that, like every prayer, it is powerful and helpful for everyone Those who ask in prayer believing that what we ask will be granted.

Whatever the true story that has marked the beginning of these words of prayer, we believe that to this day it is of great benefit to all who believe and profess a Catholic faith.

Spiritual weapons were given to us to appropriate them and it is not to think but to act, pray and believe that God does the rest. 

Serenity prayer What is the purpose? 

Serenity Prayer

Serenity is a state of complete calm that goes far beyond a feigned and superficial tranquility.

We cannot say that we are serene when inside we are desperate to see the changes we imagine real.

That is not true serenity but a state of hypocrisy in which many times we fall wrong trying to rent what we do not have. 

A state of complete peace and trust in God that allows us to continue believing in him even if we see what we see. Serenity in God leads us to believe.

There is no way to be serene when we do not believe in God, complete and true serenity comes from the hand of one who knows us from the beginning to our future.

Prayer of complete serenity 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change and the wisdom to know the difference; living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time; accepting adversities as a path to peace; asking, as God did, in this sinful world as it is, and not as I would like it to be; believing that You will make all things well if I surrender myself to Your will; so that I can be reasonably happy in this life and incredibly happy with you in the next.


Take advantage of the power of complete serenity prayer.

Serenity in these times where the eagerness of everyday life seems to consume us is a privilege that we must fight to preserve it.

We may be presented with situations that we want to steal the peace, that destabilize the heart, for those cases there is the special prayer of complete serenity. 

It is important that we know that God does nothing halfway and that it may be that right now we do not see the miracle finished the same way we must continue to trust God that he knows how and at what moment he will move the pieces in our favor. 

Serenity prayer San Francisco de Asís 

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, I put love, where there is offense, I put forgiveness, where there is discord, I put union, where there is error, I put truth, where there is doubt, I put the faith, where there is despair, I put hope, where there is darkness, I put light, where there is sadness, I put joy.

O Master, may I not seek so much to be comforted as to comfort, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.

Because giving is received, forgetting is found, forgiving is forgiven, and dying rises to eternal life.


Saint Francis of Assisi is one of the saints that the Catholic church loves most since it has been God's instrument to bless many lives and entire families.

He is known to be an expert in difficult cases, in those who seem to steal our peace. His walk here on earth was submissive, always with a heart delivered and sensitive to the voice of God.

He is asked, among other things, to fill us with serenity, to give us the ability to see reality and continue trusting, to continue believing in miracles.

To remain with tranquility and serenity intact because there is someone powerful who takes care of me and my family and friends at any time.

That should be our prayer, our daily prayer and no matter how bad everything looks, let's keep a serene heart from the bottom and believe that God helps us at all times.  

Serenity and tranquility prayer 

Heavenly Father, loving and kind God, our Good Father, your mercy is infinite, Lord with you I have everything I need, with you by my side I am stronger and I feel accompanied, so I beg you to be the owner of our home, of our lives and our hearts, dwells and reigns Holy Father among us and serenity to our feelings and our souls.

Me ……. With all total trust in You and with the fidelity of a child who loves his Father, I beg you to extend your favor and blessing over us, flood our being with calm and serenity, watch over our dreams, accompany us at night, watch our steps , direct us during the day, give us health, tranquility, love, union, joy, make us know how to be faithful and friendly to each other, that we remain united in love and indulgence and that we have in this home the peace and happiness that we long for.

Allow the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Your blessed Son and our loving Mother, to wrap us with her Holy Protective Cloak and help us when differences separate and sadden us, allow her sweet and tender reconciliatory hand to draw us away from discussions and confrontations, let her stay with us and that she be our refuge in the face of adversity.

Lord send the Angel of Peace to this house, to bring us happiness and harmony so that he transmits the Peace that only You know how to give us and help us in our burdens and uncertainties, so that, in the midst of storms and of problems, we can have understanding in hearts and thoughts.

Lord, look at us with pleasure and give us your favor and blessing, send us your help in these moments of misery and make the problems and differences we go through have a prompt and favorable solution, especially I request your infinite generosity:

(ask with humility and confidence what you want to get)

Never abandon us because we need You, that your beneficial love, your justice and strength accompany us and give stability at every moment; May your living Presence guide us and show us the best path, may your harmony transform us from the inside out and make us be better with others, help us Lord, that every moment of our lives, love and faith are stronger and greater and Give us what it takes so that every night when we go to sleep we know how to thank you for everything you give us.

Forgive our faults and grant us to continue living in holy peace, may the wellspring of your love protect us, may the hopes we place in you not be vain and our trust always remain firm in you.

Thank you Heavenly Father.


Pray the prayer of serenity and tranquility with faith.

God always takes care of us, that is why we must trust that he is doing his will in our lives all the time.

We must worry about always having in our mind a thought of peace, a thought that generates tranquility and confidence. 

The mind is a battlefield where we often fall even if we try to appear otherwise. It is not disregarding the situation and doing nothing because we are trusting.

It is to act with full security, with confidence and tranquility although my eyes see something else I know that God, the Creator Father is doing something in my favor at all times because he loves me.  

Serenity Prayer Alcoholics Anonymous: Psalm 62

01 From the choirmaster. In the style of Iedutún. David's Psalm.

02 Only in God rests my soul, because from him comes my salvation;

03 Only he is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I will not hesitate.

04 How long will you lash out at a man all together, to tear him down like a wall that gives way or a ruinous wall?

05 They only think about knocking me down from my height, and they take pleasure in the lie: with their mouth they bless, with their hearts they curse.

06 Rest only in God, my soul, because he is my hope;

07 Only he is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I will not hesitate.

08 From God comes my salvation and my glory, he is my firm rock, God is my refuge.

09 His people, trust in him, let his heart out before him, that God is our refuge.

10 Men are nothing more than a breath, the nobles are appearance: all together on the scale would rise lighter than a breath.

11 Do not trust oppression, do not put illusions into theft; and even if your riches grow, do not give them the heart.

12 God has said one thing, and two things that I have heard: «That God has the power

13 and the Lord has the grace; that you pay each one according to his works ».

Serenity is compared to ability to keep calm in the middle of the storm, of believing and knowing that God takes care of us.

In moments of despair it is important that we have this prayer in mind and that we can put it into practice at any time.

It does not require a specific space or environment to pray and less when we have the soul or heart exhausted by the lack of serenity.

In those omentos that we think we are going to lose control, a prayer can change the course of history in our favor, you just have to believe.


Never forget to have faith.

Believe in God and in all his powers.

Believing in the power of prayer for serenity complete. Only then will he overcome the bad times.

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