Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Prayer to the Holy Trinity Catholic for love, difficult and urgent cases and protection is one of the most powerful since it asks the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit alike.

The word of God shows us a God the Father of all things, then introduces us to Jesus Christ who is the same God made man, was among us and gave his life for the sake of humanity, when he went to heaven he left us to the Spirit Santo and now we can count on all three.

The Father and the Son are in heaven and the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts like fire.

The Catholic Church has a series of prayers which are directed especially to the three that together are one, the divine trinity.

They are prayers that rise in various cases where the hand of man and can not work and then we depend on a prayer because only a miracle of God is enough. 

Prayer to the Holy Trinity Who is the Holy Trinity?

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

The union of Father; Son and Holy Spirit are those who make up the Holy Trinity.

His appearances were gradual and we can see them throughout the Biblia.

At the beginning, in the genesis God appears creating the heavens and the earth and every living being.

Then in the gospels of New Testament We see that Jesus Christ comes, born of a virgin by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. 

There we begin to know the whole life of the Savior, then when he dies, resurrects and ascends to heaven, he leaves us the promise of the Holy Spirit, but this was manifested only after a time in the day of Pentecost narrated in the book of Acts of the Apostles and continues to accompany us to this day. 

Powerful Trinity that grant us the requests of our heart, those that many times we do from the soul.

The Holy Trinity is always ready to listen to us.

Prayer to the Holy Catholic Trinity

I adore you, Holy Spirit paraclito, for my God and Lord, and I thank you infinitely with all the heavenly court in the name of the Blessed Virgin, your loving Wife for all the gifts and privileges with which you adorned her, especially for that perfect and divine charity with which you inflamed his most holy and pure heart in the act of his most glorious Assumption to heaven; and humbly I beg you in the name of your immaculate Wife, grant me the grace to forgive me all the grave sins that I have committed since the first moment I could sin; to the present, of which I grieve infinitely, with the purpose of dying rather than offending your divine Majesty again; and for the highest merits and most efficient protection of your most loving Wife, I beg you to grant me and N. the most precious gift of your grace and divine love, granting me those lights and particular help with which your eternal Providence has predetermined to save me, and lead me to yes.

The prayer of the Holy Catholic Trinity has immediate effects.

Prayer, a powerful weapon that belongs only to those who have believed in the power of the Lord.

Powerful tool that the Catholic Church has known how to use and that leaves us a model, an example so that we know how to ask, what words to use. 

Prayer is not bad, they are an opportunity to get used to prayer, to learn to pray correctly, that is why prayers exist to guide us in the process. 

Prayer to the Holy Trinity for love 

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Holy Trinity, our beginning and end, my strength and my help and my divine help, who lives in my heart and is present in my soul and envelops my whole being.

Blessed Holy Trinity, deserving of all honor, glory and praise, I believe in Your power, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.

I blindly trust your gifts and I hope in You, and my hope and charity I place in your hands, help me increase my faith and every day with your love be a better person and wake up full of encouragement and enthusiasm.

Blessed God, you are the source from which love and life springs, that you created us according to your image and likeness, and that out of love for us you have sent God the Son so that with his life he could redeem us and save us from sin, I ...

(Say your name)

I give you and consecrate all that dwells in my being and very sorry I ask you to forgive me for all the mistakes I have made and for the sins I have committed to this day and that separate me from You.

Holy Trinity, I beg you to have mercy on me, and give me your help, so that my soul is filled with serenity, transforming myself into a patient, understanding, humble and clothed in your goodness.

Blessed Holy Spirit, source of all comfort, I ask you to enrich my soul with the abundance of your gifts.

You are my hope and shield in my battles, you are my strength in adversities and anxieties.

For this reason I come to my knees before You to ask you to please extend your hand for help and intercede for me before God the Father to receive his prompt help.

Holy Heavenly Spirit, renew my strength and increase my courage to continue this battle I face, please lean your ear towards my supplications and grant me what I desire and ask you on this day.

Please light in my heart the love of God that illuminates the hearts of your faithful followers. For your Love, Power and Mercy I ask you to free me from all adversity, and that nothing disturbs my peace or make me suffer.

Holy Trinity, I come with complete confidence to You, and with all the faith of my soul, so that you can relieve the sorrows that cause me great suffering, please heal the wounds of my heart and pour out your mercy on me and that I need with so much urgency:

(Tell the Holy Trinity what you need urgently and ask for their glorious help)

God the Father, thank you because you listen to my prayers, for Your infinite love, and for the security that your love gives me, that shelters me and brings me comfort.

I beg you to help me, Holy Trinity, I ask you for the intercession and merit of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother.


Did you like the Holy Trinity prayer for love?

Love is always the engine of our prayers, whether it moves us to ask for others or we ask for love to cross our path.

Whatever the case, the important thing is to ask from the heart, from the soul and with much faith.

What makes our prayers powerful and get answers is that we believe that what we ask can be granted.

Asking for love, so that we know how to identify it at the moment that it crosses our path is of the utmost importance since the word of God teaches that the heart is deceiving and can make us believe that we find love when it is not. 

This is why having the guidance of the Holy Trinity is almost an act of life and death. 

Prayer of the Holy Trinity for difficult and urgent cases

Holy Trinity, Triune God and One, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, our beginning and end, prostrate before You I pay homage: blessed and praised be the Holy Trinity !; To you, Holy Trinity be all honor, glory and praise for all eternity, I believe in you with all my heart and I wish to be your faithful devotee, I come to You with complete confidence to ask you to see me always free from evil as well as from all adversities and dangers, and in my needs, I beg you, grant me your favor.

Father of Heaven, Jesus Good Shepherd, Holy Spirit, I beg you for the intercession and merit of the Blessed Virgin Mary, give me your help, guidance and protection in all matters and concerns of my life.

Glory to You God the Father, source of goodness and eternal wisdom, life comes from you, love comes from you, make every moment work with righteousness and prudence to enjoy the goods and consolations you send me; remember that I am your child, and take pity on my sufferings, my needs and grant me assistance in this difficult situation:

(ask with great faith what you want to achieve)

Thank you, merciful Father for being there.

Glory to You God the Son of the Heavenly Father in whose Sacred Heart my soul finds refuge, teach me to faithfully imitate your life and your virtues, give me firmness and perseverance to fulfill your teachings and make me practice charity works more often, do not abandon me in the daily struggles, free me from the ties that the enemy has for me, move me away and protect me from all adversity that disturbs me and grant me your miraculous help in this problem: (repeat the request with great hope).

Thank you my good Jesus for being by my side in moments of despair and anguish.

Glory to You Holy Spirit, clarity that enlightens everything, and that you are the joy, harmony and joy of creation, make it always docile to your divine inspirations give me peace, give me help in my lacks and problems and grant me your help so that I can achieve what I need so much right now.

Thank you Divine Spirit of Love for helping me when everything is dark and I need Light.

Mother and Queen of mine, Lady of Heaven You who being so close to the Holy Trinity pray for me and my current problems and shortcomings, be You my lawyer and a half so that my supplication is attended, make me obtain the miracle that I so much need in my life.

Thank you my beloved Mother, blessed Virgin Mary, for being so understanding and always attending to our demands.

Divine Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, grant me your mercy, grant me your kindness and give me a quick solution in my sorrows and anxieties.

Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Blessed and Most Holy Trinity, I love you, I adore you and I give you my being.

O Trinity of Love, God of compassion, I abandon myself to your Divine Will, for your times are perfect and only You know what is best for me, Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, glory to the Blessed and undivided Trinidad, as it was in the beginning, now and forever, for ever and ever.

So be it.


Those cases where there is nothing humanly possible that we can do.

Those cases where they have given us a medical diagnosis, where a family member has disappeared, where a child needs God's help and does not know it or does not want to ask for it, suffering, pain, impotence, restlessness and some situations and emotions that make us more desperate they are in which the mighty hand of God moves with power. 

Holy Trinity prayer can be our soon help in the midst of the most difficult problems to solve.

Everything is an act of faith and trust in the Lord, believing that he has control of all things and that he knows what he is doing.

Short for protection 

I recognize you and I venerate you, O Blessed Virgin, Queen of heaven, Lady and Patroness of the universe, as the Daughter of the eternal Father, Mother of her most beloved Son, and Loving Wife of the Holy Spirit; and prostrated at the feet of your great Majesty with the greatest humility I beg you for that divine charity; that you were very full in your Assumption to heaven, that you make me the unique grace and mercy of putting me under your most secure and most faithful protection, and of receiving me in the number of those very happy and lucky servants that you have sculpted in your virgin breast.

Dignify yourselves, oh Mother and my most merciful Lady, to accept my miserable heart, my memory, my will, and other inner and outer powers and my senses; Accept my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my hands and my feet, rule them according to the approval of your Son, so that with all his movements he intends to give you infinite glory.

And for that wisdom with which your most beloved Son enlightened you, I beg and beg you to reach me light and clarity to know myself well, my nothingness, and particularly my sins, to hate them and detest them always, and also reach me light to know the snares of the infernal enemy and its hidden and manifest combats.

Especially, godly Mother, I beg your grace ... (to mention).

This miraculous prayer to the Holy Trinity to ask for our health, protection and prosperity is very strong!

Protects us, takes care of us y guide us to do only what is the will of God. We can ask for protection for ourselves or for our family and friends.

Remember that all these positive energies flow from us permeating everything around us.

There is nothing that the Divine trinity cannot protect us from, there is nothing that is stronger or more powerful than God, this is why we trust that he is the one who takes care of us and ours no matter where they are.

When can I pray?

You can pray whenever you want.

The prayer to the Holy Trinity has no ideal day, hour or moment.

We must pray when we want to pray. We must have faith and always believe that everything is going well.

More prayers:


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