Prayer to open paths in love

Love in the life of any person always comes in a rather complicated way. After the breakup of a relationship, it seems we never found a relationship good enough to move on. After a while it seems that we are repeating the same mistakes as the previous passions. Thinking about it, we separated a prayer to open paths in love That will help you find your best half.

Sometimes we need help to find a new way to love. But who could help?

See other important prayers to reach your goals and also thank you here on our blog in this link.

There are specialists who can help you in this search for a new love, but there is also a prayer to open the way in a very powerful love, rewritten by our tarotologist Vanessa Frigo, which strengthens the affective side and helps you find a special person.

Prayer to open paths in love

Beloved divine presence,
I am what dwells in me.
Make me open and pure for the Creator to act in my life,
In my being
Bringing tranquility and peace to my soul,
While I search and wait for my other half.
I ask our souls to recognize each other
In the here and now,
For the looks, for the touches, for the energy.
And that together we have the courage to live and assume our eternal love.
I thank you for having the opportunity to evolve day by day,
I understand that past experiences, negative or positive, only prepare me for the arrival of my other half.
Looking for emotional wisdom and believing that I deserve this wonderful meeting.
Great creator,
I ask that recognition be immediate,
May our vibration be tuned.
Expansion of love, light and certainty.
For everyone in the vibrating range of the table.
And let's serve as an example,
Radiating love and complicity.
I feel the presence, I am expanding my triune flame,
And I decree that from now on my real or unreal fears are burned in the inner fire.
And that the happiness and emotional joy I feel now expands and comes to you, my beloved but unknown.
I accept the divine time and I recognize that this meeting will take place at the right time.
I recognize that each being has his learning time like me.
I know that I will have to cultivate patience and faith as my journey continues.
Decree that what is mine by divine right will come to me.
May it be so and so it is!

Now that you have learned the prayer to open paths in the love selected by Vanessa Frigo, how about following other content that we separate here in the blog:

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