Archangel Uriel prayer: psalm 70 of urgent causes

Archangel Uriel is one of the ruling princes of the Seraphim and the Cherubim, as well as being one of the ruling angels of the Sun and also one of the princes of the Divine Presence and the angel of salvation. But not less important, It belongs to one of the seven archangels. He is known for being the Angel of the Presence of God and is recognized as one of the seven spirits before the throne of God mentioned in the Gospel of John.

What does Uriel mean?

Archangel Uriel Prayer

The name of Uriel has its meaning behind it. Uriel means the God fire. This is represented as the almighty force as the spirit of life. Through his attribute, which is a flame of fire that represents Uriel's mission to awaken consciousness in human beings or people, through this fire of truth.

Many times he is represented with a book or a scroll. This represents Uriel's role of being the divine observer. He keeps track of all the thoughts, actions and even feelings of people during life, their journey through life.

Uriel is also depicted in a red, orange, or gold dress. These colors are associated with the element of fire and with qualities of transformation, destruction of evil and spiritual enlightenment that Uriel owns. Also, they are the colors of the Sun.

Archangel Uriel prayer: psalm 70 of urgent causes

When we are going through a difficult moment or path, this is due to the adversities that arise in life, it is very important to stay calm and not lose control so that our health and well-being are intact. This prayer made with faith to Archangel Uriel will be very helpful.

Archangel Uriel, you who are a messenger

of God, you know my actions, since

You know what's affecting me

I feel weak and with broken faith.

I love God above all things

and I need my name to be on

the book of life, do not let

falter; illuminate me with your light.

Give me the light and the necessary understanding

to clear my mind and thus take

the best decisions,

I need you to light up my soul

mind and heart, banishing the

darkness of my way

May the holy spirit take possession of me

so that my thoughts and

words are pleasing to God,

with your sacred fire cleanse my mind,

driving away negativity,

uncertainty, depression, stress.

May my faith be increased for

achieve the patience of Job

and to be able to transmit my peace,

you fight my battles, that my enemies

get confused and none

compromise against me prosper.

I need your help in this trance,

that revenge is not mine but yours,

open the eyes of those who stalk me

so that they see their error and appreciate justice

That they exalt your name because you are

fair and good, take care of those who love you

love, deliver us from shame,

dangers, sieges, ambushes and threats.

always rejoice in the lord

You my almighty God, I know you love me

because you are love, you sent your son to

lay down his life for our salvation,

You send your angels to guide me

holding my hand so that

my foot does not stumble on stone.

That's why I ask the intercession of the archangel

Uriel, I believe infinitely in your promise

heavenly father, let us not

helpless in the face of adversity.

That's why I decree that I already triumphed

on all those who oppose me

that my spirit, soul, body and mind

be healed of any wound,

also, that they do not harbor feelings

hate, anger, or prejudice.

Remove every burden that disturbs me

spiritual growth as a messenger

of God, you are my guide, my strength,

that with each inspiration, my body

be filled with your light and that can radiate it

to those around me.

I appreciate all the gifts and gifts

received: life, health, intelligence,

Also, family, friends,

work, housing, study.

Blessed Archangel Uriel, protect me

with your orange light, pave the way for

cleanse him of all fear, moreover,

that you may have to arrive smoothly

and get all the blessings and

abundance that God has for me.

Infinite thanks for the blessings,

joy and wisdom, let

I can put it to the best use

For my own benefit and that of those around me.


What can you ask Archangel Uriel?

Archangel Uriel Prayer

Through the following prayer, you can communicate with Urie and ask him for this that you so desire. Uriel will guide you to choose the path right to achieve that goal:

Glorious Archangel Saint Uriel, wrap me in your red color and help me to be filled with your blessings of strength, courage, courage and endurance. My protector, grant me the grace that I request of you (make your request) if it is convenient for the good of my soul and of the whole world.

Prayer to Archangel Uriel

Glorious archangel Saint Uriel, intercede for me, and help me to see myself free from all danger and all adversity.

Glorious archangel Saint Uriel, I implore your continued custody to achieve peace.

Glorious archangel Saint Uriel, wrap me in your red color and help me fill me with your blessings of strength, courage, encouragement and resistance.

My protector, grant me the grace I ask of you (make your request) if it is convenient for the good of my soul and of the whole world.

Join me and guide all my steps until I reach eternal life and divine love.


Archangel Uriel, patron saint of those who seek wisdom

Archangel Uriel is the patron of those who seek to eliminate ignorance. This archangel is in charge of protecting and guiding spiritual leaders and people of great power such as ministers, priests, philosophers, rabbis, gurus on the right path. What you want to achieve is to further divine service, To achieve this, he uses his divine flame, with which he helps spread truth and wisdom throughout the world.

Uriel is a very powerful archangel, so it's important to keep him in mind. He is named in the book of Adam and Eve. He is named as the angel who guards the gates of Eden.