Prayer against evil


We all go through phases in which we feel vulnerable to negative energies and need additional protection. At this time it is great to look for options to close your body and prevent bad things from happening. So let's show you how to make a prayer against evil.

Tarotologist Pettrus taught a very powerful foreground prayer. It is used in many spiritual lines and everyone can use it for good:

Prayer against evil and to close the body.

Only judge of Nazareth, son of the Virgin Mary,
that in Bethlehem you were born among idolatries,
I ask you, Lord, on your sixth day,
and for the sake of my father Ogum,
that my body is not arrested, nor injured, nor killed,
nor in the hands of justice involved.
Paxtecum, Paxtecum, Paxtecum.

Christ thus said to his disciples:
If my enemies come to arrest me,
will have eyes, not summer,
They will have ears, but they will not hear.
They will have mouths, they won't tell me.
With the weapons of St. George I will be armed,
With Abraham's sword I will be covered,
with the milk of the Virgin Mary they will spray me
in Noah's ark I will be picked up,
With the keys of San Pedro I will be locked
where they can't see me or hurt or kill
There is no blood from my body to extract.

I also ask you Lord
for those three holy cups,
by those three covered priests,
for those three consecrated hosts,
that you consecrated on the third day,
from the gates of Bethlehem to Jerusalem,
and by my holy father Ogun,
that with pleasure and joy
They also keep me day and night
while Jesus walked in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

God go ahead, peace in the guide,
God, give me the company I always gave to the Virgin Mary,
from the sacred house of Bethlehem to Jerusalem.
God is my father, God is my father
Our Lady of Sorrows, my mother.
With the weapons of St. George I will be armed,
With the sword of Santiago, I will be kept forever.

Print this prayer against evil and store it in your wallet. Whenever you feel the need, stop for five minutes and do it with great faith.

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