Powerful Valentine's prayer: how to be happy forever

Are you looking to strengthen your romantic relationship? Relationships often go through periods of conflict, when we feel the need to seek help and prayers are powerful friends at those times. After all, they calm the heart and the mind, allowing a broader view of the situation. So, if you have a problem, know the valentine's prayer.

When to use Valentine's prayer

Having a relationship is not always easy. Living with another person can lead to great misunderstandings, and this can even end up eroding the relationship. So that this does not happen, and continue to have your happy ending so dreamed, let's know some prayers that can help overcome the problems of couples. Then learn to do the Valentine's prayer now.

Valentine's Prayer of Pope Francis

«God the Father, source of love,
Open our hearts and our minds.
recognize in you the origin and objective of our path of lovers.
Jesus Christ, beloved husband,
teach us the life of faithfulness and respect,
show us the truth of our feelings,
It makes us available to the gift of life.
Holy Spirit, fire of love
light in us the passion for the Kingdom,
the courage to make big and responsible decisions,
The wisdom of tenderness and forgiveness.
God Trinity of love
Guide our steps.
Amen "

Saint George's prayer brings protection

"Just as Saint George ruled the dragon, I will rule this heart that will be closed to all women and open to me alone."
Then pray three Our Fathers to the guardian angel of your boyfriend and yours too.

Valentine's Prayer

“Oh Beloved Father, God Creator of each and every one, God who is Love and Justice! My girlfriend and I (or) enter into prayer according to the same theme! May the Lord, with his immense power, bless our courtship!

May this relationship be under the blessing of the Lord, bringing holiness, wisdom, understanding, love, affection, respect, in short, everything that the Lord allows in a relationship.

I know, Lord, that most quotes don't work because of envy, so let me use the spiritual authority the Lord has given me to send envy!

Then I say: envy, go away, envy that attracts bad things, such as: fights, jealousy, misunderstanding, infidelity and all that is bad, STAY AWAY, ALL THE EVIL OF OUR DATE! In the name of Jesus Christ!

I declare that there is peace, unity, understanding, affection, faithfulness, holiness and that God's blessing is always in this relationship in the name of Jesus Christ! "

Prayer of lovers who wish to commit

“Lord, you who have chosen us for the foundation of a Christian home, prepare us to receive you with dignity in the Sacrament of Matrimony. Help us to understand our great vocation.

Help us in our efforts to get to know each other and correct our defects to be happier. Help us prepare together a solid and cozy home where everyone finds love and peace.

Help us to fulfill your will, to accept equally the joys and difficulties of our lives. Keep our promises until your blessing gives us forever. Amen.

Marriage Protection Prayer

“God the Father and Jesus Christ, I ask you to bless my love relationship (names of the couple). Pour out your Spirit at this moment and I pray that you will speak to me through me and bless this couple. The Lord united this couple with their divine ability and allowed them to marry, having a great plan for their future.

Start touching their hearts so they can know the exact path to follow, always in agreement. I pray that this husband will always honor and love his wife, preferring her over all others. I pray that this new wife always respects and loves her husband.

Give them an extra portion of your grace to deal with some disappointments that life can throw in their path. Most importantly, keep them close to you. Your Word says that the Lord will never leave us or forsake us. Help them turn to you first and then to the other. We ask all these things in the name of Christ. Amen.

The importance of Valentine's prayer

Scientific research has already demonstrated the power of prayer, and in addition to strengthening the human organism, it is an excellent medicine for the soul and mind.
If you intend to protect your relationship, use prayer as a positive resource to reach your goal.

Now that you have learned the prayer of Valentine, see also:

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