Powerful prayer of soulmates

Powerful prayer of soulmates. Prayers, regardless of religion, help us be more focused, serene and give us optimism and much happiness. But beyond that, it is very common that we cling to prayers by grace. Whether it is to force us to reach a goal, overcome obstacles, give thanks or even ask for protection. The prayer of soulmates It is perfect for you who have a relationship and want it to be blessed. But it also caters to those who have not yet met, but they want to attract their soulmate.

But this attraction is not in the seductive sense of the word, but in the energetic sense. I mean, do the soul mate prayer will bring the universe closer to you and give you an opportunity to get to know yourself. And in order for you to really achieve that goal, you should pray to soulmates every day, if possible twice, once in the morning and once before bed.

But now comes the famous question, "How do I know I found my soul mate?" Linking, connecting and understanding is unusual. Much stronger and more intense than other loves. And without a doubt when you find it you will know it because it is very strong. It has no recipe, no pattern, but it certainly is something that comes from the bottom of the heart.

Powerful prayer of soulmates

“Oh God, I know that there is a person in this world whom you have reserved for me, and that is the other half of my soul.
In the deepest part of my being, I know where this person is right now.
Wherever it is, the magnetic force of love will make us meet without fail, and then a harmonious and blessed union will be given to you, my God, and your choir of angels will sing praises to heaven in gratitude for that. Great happiness on earth.
I thank you, my God, for making the other half of my soul and for taking us to this happy union.
Thank you very much sir!
So be it. »

Strong prayer of soulmates

Oh! Beloved presence of the supreme deity, make my heart open, pure and ready for God to act in my being, leaving my spirit and my soul calm and in harmony, waiting for my other half.
Lord King of Kings, I beg my soulmate to recognize me by the look, the conversation, the touch, the hands knowing that he has rediscovered half of his being. And that before that fully assumes our true love.
Thank you Lord, for all the days of my life, you are leading me towards the evolution of the spirit to be able to seek the perfection of God and thus be prepared for the arrival of the true encounter with my Soulmate.
Lord, I know that we are worthy of this magical moment.
Oh Beloved Father! I ask that the harmonious fusion be immediate and complete, that our vibration relieve, heal and enlighten those in our range of radiant love in the now and forever.
The flame of light that surrounds my heart is increasing and at that moment the being that completes me, wherever I am, feels the same vibrations of happiness that I feel now.
Besides loving my other half, I love everything and everyone ... Because I love God. Being thus worthy and deserving of this love, complete and absolute.
My soul mate and thank you for your infinite kindness, Lord! And we ask for your blessing. I promise to always cultivate patience and hope, because I know that this meeting will take place only in accordance with the will of the Father.
I continue my journey with faith and hope, carrying divine love and my heart. And knowing that everything that is mine by divine right will be like being one with my Soulmate. So perfect, serene and pure with the sweetness of the angels of God!
So be it!

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