Strong prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien

Prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien, were the twin children of Theodata, who had three others. They were born in the Aegean, on the Arabian peninsula, around the year 260. And it was their mother who introduced them to the Christian faith in such a way that Jesus Christ became the center of their lives. Due to their medical studies and life history, many people ask them to intercede for their illness., prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien so powerful.

Prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien - Powerful

When they grew up, they moved to Syria and went to study medicine at a large study center of the time and then graduated as doctors. And it was from there that they began to implement the Christian teachings of their mother, since they did not charge for the services they provided to the poor.

On the trip as doctors, they were able to cure their patients both by the scientific teachings accumulated during their training and by prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien. And since then, many health-related miracles are attributed to them. In addition, the brothers took advantage of the practice of medicine to attract their patients to the Christian faith through their patience and love for their patients.

However, the fullness of his travels began to be interrupted when the Emperor Diocletian began a persecution against all Christians, which resulted in the arrest of Saint Cosmas and Damian accused of witchcraft and reflecting a sect prohibited by the emperor.

They were tortured and sentenced to death by stoning and arrows, but at the end of their execution the brothers did not die.

After this episode, the emperor ordered that they be burned in a public square, but the fire did not hit them. They decided to drown the brothers and, at the same time, the angels saved them. Finally, the emperor ordered that their heads be cut off and the brothers died. And from there, more people started converting and you could attribute a lot power to prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien.

Prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien

“Saint Cosme and Saint Damien, for the sake of God and neighbor, devoted your life to the care of the body and soul of the sick. Bless the doctors and pharmacists. Achieve health for our body. Strengthen our lives. Heal our thoughts of all evil. His innocence and simplicity help all children to be very kind to each other. Make them always have a clear conscience. With your protection, keep my heart always simple and sincere. Let me often remember these words of Jesus: may the children come to me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, Saint Cosme and Saint Damien, pray for us, for all the children, doctors and pharmacists. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien for love

«Beloved Saint Cosme and Saint Damien,
In the name of the Almighty. I seek in you blessing and love. With the ability to renew and regenerate,
With the power to annihilate any negative effects
Of causes that arise
From the past and the present
I pray for a perfect repair
Of my body and
(Say the name of your family members)
Now and always,
Wishing the light of the twin saints
Be in my heart!
Vitalize my home
Every day,
Bringing me peace, health and tranquility.
Beloved San Cosme and San Damián,
I promise you that
Reaching grace,
I will never forget you!
So be it,
Save San Cosme and San Damián,

Now that you know the prayer of Saint Cosme and Damien enjoy and read also:

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