Existence of God: an unbeatable ontological argument

Existence of God, is what we will talk about throughout this article, where we will detail this ontological argument according to different thinkers and we will explain it so that we know the concept of it. That is why, I cordially invite you to continue reading to learn more about this controversial topic.


Existence of God

When it comes to talking about an ontological argument to explain the existence of god, is based on reasoning in which only reason is used. This is why this type of argument is very revolutionary because it does not seek to prove the existence of God, since this argument tells us that God, that by the simple concept of being God this implies that he exists.

Because we do know that there is a God, who protects us and who cares for us, he has to exist in some way. For this reason, one of the main criticisms of this argument is that it fails to offer true proof that God really exists.

Analysis of this ontological argument

Among the main arguments of these thinkers we have the following:

  • The monk Anselm of Canterbury tells us that God is a being that nothing greater than him can be imagined.
  • And Descartes tells us that God is a being who is perfect.

The argument that this monk Anselm of Canterbury put to us was directed at atheists. Where it tells us that God is the greatest being of which there is no other, since it is a being that is perfect and that does not have limits and although its existence cannot be denied, it cannot be signed either.

In the case of Descartes he also had his argument similar to the previous one saying that, just as there is the fifth metaphysical meditation, or the thought that there is a horse with or without wings. Because you could not think of a God who does not exist physically.

Avicenna's ontological argument

In this argument by Avicenna, he tells us that the universe consists of a series of successions and union of beings, that with the fact of existing one gives existence to the one below and is responsible for the existence of all beings that are found under him. Therefore, this ontological argument is based on the concept that God is the origin of everything and that the multiplication of beings is due thanks to the existence of God.

Anselm of Canterbury's Ontological Argument

Within these arguments presented by this monk we can detail the following:

  • God is one of the beings that nobody ever thought existed.
  • God exists as a thought does in the mind of a human being.
  • God is a being that exists between the two worlds so to speak, in mind and in reality.
  • If God exists and is the creator of everything, it is impossible for someone greater than him to exist.
  • Therefore, the existence of god it is not in doubt.

In another chapter of a book by this monk he continues to give us other additional arguments:

  • God is a being that no one else had thought of.
  • The importance of its existence is greater.
  • So its existence is very necessary.
  • And if God is necessary for human beings, He must exist.

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Descartes's ontological argument

Within the explanations that Descartes gives us to his argument of the existence of god we can say:

  • Anything or idea that is known as clear, this idea must be considered true.
  • This is why, if the existence of God is clear, he must exist.
  • Therefore, it has to be said that God exists.

Argument of Baruch Spinoza

In this case, the arguments used by Spinoza are based on three tests that we will detail below:

  • Within the first test this speech that imagines that God does not exist, therefore, since he does not exist, his existence is not necessary. More, however, he tells us that this thought is absurd because when something exists, some substance in nature is believed to exist.
  • In the second test he explains to us that the non-existence of any reason for this higher being to exist does not mean that it cannot exist, therefore, God exists.
  • And in the third test he tells us that, if we human beings exist and we are finite beings, that means that God is an infinite being who is the most powerful and that thanks to him we live. This is why we must conclude that God does exist.

Importance of the existence of God

All human beings sometimes ask ourselves at times, if God really exists, most of the time when we ask ourselves these questions it is because we are in unpleasant situations that make us doubt the existence of it. This is why it is of great importance that we know about its existence and are clear about it.

One of the reasons for the importance of God's existence we have:

  • If he is our creator and we owe our existence to him, we are in this world thanks to him and we owe him everything we have.
  • When God created man and woman, he made us with the ability to freely obey or disobey, he gave them free will. Therefore, the only judge who can judge us is he.
  • And finally the only one who can help us is him.

To end this article with such an interesting topic and with a great topic of debate for a long time on the existence of God. We can go so far as to say that each of the people will have their own concept about the existence of God or not, taking different ways of thinking, which will have beliefs that somehow influence the decision they make.

I do not know the beliefs you may have in this regard, but I will give you my opinion so that we human beings are in this world, it is because someone called God came to intervene so that we are here. And he endowed us with everything necessary for us to populate this planet, that, even if we do not see it, it is there, in every detail that you see, a sunset, the smile of a child, in the mountains, in the skies and among many other things.

God is everything and more, besides that he gave us the gift of life, thanks to him. So, if it has to exist and is present in every day of your life, in all the circumstances that you come to live, because God is everything.

Also throughout this article we show you the ontological arguments of different thinkers regarding the existence of God, where each one can be said to have a different concept of himself. But always coming to the same conclusion that God does exist.

Then we talked about the importance of the existence of God and we gave you different arguments. But now it only remains for you to think and analyze about God and thus take your own position regarding this issue with so many ways of thinking, that in the end it has been the decision of each of us what to believe and what not. believe in the existence of this supreme being.

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