Prayer of Saint Thomas - Renew your faith and be forgiven

Do you pray often? Whether to thank or ask for a grace? The number of existing sentences is large and many people do not know which one to practice. A good idea is to know the sentences and their main characteristics. That way, you can choose the one that best suits your needs. If you identify with the popular saying "I am like São Tomé: I must see it to believe it", you have just found the prayer made by you! Discover now everything about him Saint Thomas prayer.

Learn the history of Sao Tome

History shows us that Saint Thomas, a Jew from Galilee, was one of the twelve apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. As a fisherman, like most apostles, his first encounter with Jesus took place on the shores of the Tiberias Sea, as Saint John describes in his Gospel.

Saint Thomas became known for his unbelief and distrust, because when the other disciples said that they had seen the risen Christ, he said: «If I do not see the sign of the nails on his hands, and I put my finger in the place of the nails Put my hand by your side, I won't believe it That is, he showed that he would believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ only when he could see and touch him.

However, the Bible reports that days after his resurrection, Jesus appeared among the apostles and, after wishing them peace, addressed St. Thomas saying: “Put your finger here and look at my hands; Extend your hand and put it by my side and don't be incredulous, but believe! "

This passage makes clear the love of Christ, showing that he did not reject the need of Saint Thomas, which represents the doubt of many Christians. However, when performing the prayer of Saint Thomas, it is important to believe that your purpose is achieved.

How is the prayer of Saint Thomas?

Scholars report that after the resurrection of Christ, St. Thomas went to evangelize the people of India and died there martyred. Therefore, he became even more known, making people more interested in the prayer of Sao Tome.

Prayer of Saint Thomas to be forgiven

“Oh Lord, I ask your forgiveness for all the times that I have been incredulous and have not allowed Your mighty hand to guide my life. Now my Jesus, with the example of Saint Thomas, I stand at your feet and cry out with all my love and devotion: "My Lord and my God!"

Sao Tome, pray for me, now and forever.

Prayer of Sao Tome to clarify a doubt

This prayer can help people who seek instruction in any field of life when they have doubts. Either to close a deal, trust someone or make an important decision.

“In the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The glorious Apostle Saint Thomas, who, after doubting the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtained the grace to touch with his hands the most sacrificial wounds of the body of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who then told him:

"Blessed are those who have neither seen nor believed", I humbly ask you for the grace to obtain from the mercy of the Lord the lights of my spirit.
I want and ask you, Sao Tome, the help I need now.

Protect me and inspire me, Saint Thomas, martyr apostle. (Pause here and meditate on the subject of which there are doubts).
By the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. So be it."

Prayer of Sao Tome to renew the faith

“Oh glorious Saint Thomas, your sadness and anguish over the absence of Jesus was so great that you did not believe that He had risen from the dead and from you and only you really were the one who touched your wounds.

But your love for Jesus was equally great and made you give your life for him. I especially loved him, because he came back for you and only you to touch him, dear servant Sao Tome.

Ask us for Him for our fears and the forgiveness of our sins, which cause the sufferings of Christ. Help us to use our strength in His service so that the title of blessed is extended to all who believe in Him without having seen it.


Saint Thomas prayer for architects, builders, geographers and geologists

There is a prayer dedicated to these professionals who have Sao Tome as patron of the architects.

«Dear Saint Thomas, you who once did not believe that our Lord had a glorious ascension, but then you saw him and touched him and exclaimed:» Jesus, my Lord and my God «.

According to an ancient story, he has given him the greatest help to build in his honor a church instead of a pagan temple.

Please bless the architects, builders and carpenters who through you have honored Jesus our Lord.

The last sentence cited was created because Sao Tome is considered the patron of architects, builders and related professionals. However, he still blesses geographers and geologists, as well as all those who suffer with any doubt.

Tips for praying Saint Thomas

The first step in having a good prayer is to seek a peaceful environment, since this will give you serenity to focus your attention on God and Sao Tome, who will intercede for you.

Thank you for the thanks already made so that you can feel your heart in peace and a renewed faith. Once this is done, perform the prayer of Saint Thomas that best suits your situation. It is important to stay focused on this moment of surrender, believing that everything is possible and that God will answer your prayer.

Remember to give your heart to the moment of prayer, leaving aside the feelings that can disrupt your concentration. If you want, during prayer you can also light a candle.

Few people know it, but in Catholicism a lit candle symbolizes worship and surrender. Therefore, if you light a candle for Sao Tome, you are giving your sacrifice to God through that saint.

Sao Tome Symbolism and Curiosities

Santo Tomé is also known as Santo Tomé and its day is celebrated on July 3. His name appears eleven times in the New Testament, and the name Thomas literally means "twin," so looking at biblical studies and the etymological origin of his name suggests that São Tomé had a twin.

Some passages in the book of St. John suggest that St. Thomas was a little pessimistic and fearful. But that makes your story even more magnificent. As he was not overwhelmed by these characteristics, he went on to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As for the public image of Saint Thomas, the brown cape represents his humility and the red robe symbolizes the blood of Jesus and his since this saint was also martyred. The book in his right hand refers to his mission of preaching the gospel. The spear, in turn, located in his left hand, refers to all the suffering to which this saint was exposed when he decided to announce the life of Jesus.

Sao Tome is a great saint, responding to the requests of those who invoke him in his prayers. Be sure to perform the prayer of Saint Thomas to reach thanks. Pray with faith for better results.

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