Moses: Who was it? Appeal, journey and much more

In this post, about the great Moses, the reader will have the opportunity to know in this article who this biblical prophet was, and everything he had to endure during the 40-day journey. Continue reading this post, so that you do not miss any important information about him and the works that God entrusted to said prophet.


Who was Moses?

Moses He was born in Goshen, a territory of ancient Egypt, the Jews living in Egypt were enslaved by Pharaoh. Days before Moses was born, Pharaoh gave strict instructions to his soldiers to kill all newborn Hebrew males.

The mother of Moses To save the life of his son, he places it inside a papyrus basket, which then throws it into the waters of the Nile, an event that was seen by his sister Miriam, this was saved by the daughter of Pharaoh, who raised him as if it were his own son.

The name of the prophet, in Egyptian and Hebrew languages ​​means "delivered by the waters" or "saved by the waters." Moses He is one of the closest biblical characters to the presence and benevolence of God.

It is said that his life was between the XNUMXth century BC and the XNUMXth century BC approximately, and the whole aspect of his existence is a matter of faith. As reflected in the Old Testament, the life of Moses it is related in the last four books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, as well as in the sacred scriptures it is named many times.

There is not much information about his childhood, however, when he was older, Moses he murdered an Egyptian who mistreated a Hebrew. For this reason, she had to go to a territory known as Midian, where she married Sephora and they conceived a son whom they named Gerson.

In this place he carried out activities as a shepherd, one day being on Mount Horeb, I visualize a weed wrapped in fire and that it was not consumed, it was a personification of God, as evidenced in Exodus 3: 6:

  • “I am the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ”.

A voice ordered him to go to Egypt, his people, to take him to a Promised Land.

Over time Moses He returned to Egypt and convinced the Israelites of what had happened, after several meetings, where Moses He performed miracles with the permission of God's divine grace to be able to persuade Pharaoh, however, he refused to give freedom to the Hebrew people.

It is evidenced in Exodus 7: 7 that at that time the prophet was 80 years old, when he tried to dialogue with Pharaoh, this was when God sent the 10 plagues to Egypt. It is when the pharaoh accepts that the Hebrews withdraw. Similarly, in Exodus 12:40 it appears that the Hebrew people remained for 430 years in Egypt.

Then they walked towards the Red Sea, Pharaoh decides that he would enslave them again, and he went in search of them, that's when the Lord tells Moses:

  • “Why are you asking me for help? Order the Israelites to move on! and you, raise your staff, extend your arm and divide the sea in two, so that the Israelites cross it dry.

Once the Egyptians were preparing to cross it, God closed the sea and they drowned. The Hebrews continued their pilgrimage, but there was a moment when they lost faith.

Once they reach the foothills of Mount Sinai, Moses up to the top to talk with God, he stayed with him for 40 days and 40 nights, and it was when he received the tablets of sacred stone where the Ten Commandments would be embodied.


After a long journey of 40 years in the desert under the direction of Moses, where they suffered from much suffering such as earthquakes, plagues, droughts, famines, fires and fighting with the primitive peoples of Palestine, and the Hebrews finally arrived in Canaan.

His death

After a long journey for 40 years, in which he was wandering through the desert, God seeing the breastplate that had the hearts of his people, prohibited the entry of all men of war who were more than 20 years old, to the promised land, even the same Moses.

God allowed Moses who will visualize the Promised Land, from the top of Mount Horeb, and after this vision he dies at the age of one hundred and twenty years, the death of the prophet was lamented and his people mourned him for thirty days and thirty nights, and his burial was never found.

The Hebrews of that generation died in the desert leaving their bones scattered throughout the territory.

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Call of Moses

It is evidenced in the holy scriptures, that Moses At some point he took his flock to Mount Horeb, where he observed a bush that was on fire and was not consumed, once he approached to see that it was, God or an angel sent from God, he issued a word from the bush who revealed his name, the real meaning of Moses.

According to the account, God told Moses that he should return to Egypt to free his people who were enslaved. Moses He answered God, that he was not the best suited to carry out the entrusted task, because he claimed that he was a stutterer.

To which God responded, that he gave him security and would provide him with support, as well as all the necessary elements.

Return of Moses to Egypt

The profit Moses He obeyed and returned to Egypt, was received by Aaron, his older brother, who prepared a meeting to notify all his people what they would do. Initially, Moses was not welcomed, however, the tyranny was very strong, and Moses he shows signs for the people to follow him as a man sent by God.

It appears in the sacred scriptures that the most difficult thing was to convince Pharaoh to allow the Hebrews to leave, so much so that they did not receive the authorization to leave until God sent the ten plagues on the Egyptian people.

These plagues were in charge of devastating everything, but, the most unfortunate thing was that these were the cause of the death of the first-born of the Egyptian people. This produced enormous panic among the Egyptians, causing the Hebrews to be allowed to leave to carry out the sacrifices to their God.

Crossing the Red Sea

On the fifth day that the people of Israel had left Egypt, Pharaoh went in search of them in the company of a huge army and caught up with them near the Red Sea.

They were captured by the Egyptian army, the Hebrews and went into despair, yet God shattered the waters of the sea through Moses, for the Hebrews to cross safely, once the Egyptians tried to pursue them, the waters resumed their course and the Egyptians drowned. It is when the Jews manage to flee from the slavery in which they were kept in Egypt.

On mount sinai

While in this sacred place, known as Mount Sinai, God gives Moses the Ten Commandments of the crossing in the Sinai desert. The profit Moses He goes to the top of the mountain to receive the tablets of the covenant, where it remained for a period of 40 days, God gave him two stone tablets shaped with his finger, this can be evidenced in Deuteronomy 9: 9-10, Exodus 31:18.

In the tables of Law, the Ten Commandments were contained, fundamental laws to be fulfilled exactly by the Hebrew people. As well as a number of minor laws that should be visualized.

Once you Moses He comes down from the Mount, to inform his people, he realizes that in his absence they had taken and melted all the gold to build the golden calf, in personification of the Egyptian god Apis, to whom they would offer as their own God.

The prophet Moses went into a rage and threw the tablets of law on his people, which were smashed, and proceeded to set fire to the statue of the golden calf that had been built with all the gold that the people had.

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