Learn the powerful prayer of protection at work

Learn the powerful prayer of protection at work. Work is one of the things we value most today. The capitalist society we live in today requires us to have a job to support ourselves, support our families, and still have fun. Its absence causes fights, riots and other problems. Learn as a protective prayer at work and be quieter.

We are surrounded by envious people who steal our energy, happiness and success at work. This attack of negative energies draws us in and can put our lives in a bad phase. To avoid this, how about praying for protection at work? Here there is one prayer to keep your job.

Learn the powerful prayer of protection at work

«Glorious Saint Joseph, model of all those who work hard,
Get the grace to work in a spirit of penance to atone for my many sins;
Work consciously, putting the worship of duty above my inclinations;
Work with memory and joy, looking as an honor to employ and develop through work the gifts received from God;
Work with order, peace, moderation and patience, never withdraw from tiredness and difficulties;
To work, especially with purity of intention and self-detachment, always keeping before my eyes death and the account that I must give of wasted time, unused talents, omitted goodness and vain satisfaction in successes, so disastrous for work! God!
All for Jesus, all for Mary, all for your imitation, O Patriarch Saint Joseph!
Such will be my motto in life and death.
In the name of Jesus Christ.

How about a protective prayer for our workplace?

Prayer for the blessing of the workplace

“God, the Father of goodness, creator of all things and sanctifier of all creatures: we implore your blessing and protection on this workplace.
May the grace of Your Holy Spirit dwell within these walls, so that there is no conflict or disunity. Get away from this place all envy!
May your angels of light camp around this establishment and only peace and prosperity inhabit this place.
Give those who work here a fair and generous heart so that the gift of sharing can happen and their blessings can abound.
Give health to those who retain this support from their families, so they can always sing praises to you.
For Jesus Christ

Now that you have learned the powerful prayer of protection at work, take a moment to read more:

Understand the benefits of color therapy.

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