6 prayers to attract customers

Prayers to attract customers. With the continuous falls in sales in the Brazilian retail market, one of the reflections of the economic crisis that the country is going through, merchants have opted for alternatives to guarantee overheating, which goes beyond traditional marketing campaigns. One of them are prayers to attract customers and therefore more money.

The power of these prayers has already been confirmed by several trades and independent vendors in different situations. From solutions for bankruptcy processes to achieve the desired growth.

Prayers to attract customers, reflected in other rates that increase as a result of the crisis, one example is unemployment. Heating up sales, therefore, requires more labor and creates more jobs. The retail sector is among those with the most opportunities, vacancies generally associated with the sales movement.

Prayers to attract customers

To avoid the specter of crisis and ensure next year's catchphrase is prosperity, we made a selection of very powerful sentences to attract customers and money. Check it out below with 6 prayers to attract customers:

Prayer to attract clients

It is powerful prayer should preferably be done in a church. Light a candle before you start and make a cross with holy water on your forehead when you're done. Don't forget to thank the blessing already received.

'My beloved father! With all due respect and faith, I remain in your sovereign presence to ask you to bless every area of ​​my life and respond to this prayer in a special way to attract more customers and increase my sales.

My God, my Lord, I do not ask you to go down Mana! I ask you for work and in your liberating name, in the name of Jesus Christ, I ask you to have mercy on me, forgive all my sins and powerfully spill in my professional and financial life, as well as trust, enthusiasm, optimism, positive thoughts, patience, wisdom. , love, prosperity, to be able to treat with respect and honesty all my current and future clients that the Lord puts in my way.

My beloved father! Today I ask the Lord to order his angels to bless all my businesses, to bless my street, my business, my home, project, company, representation, commerce, industry.

Bless my city, bless my region, bless my state, bless my country, powerfully eliminate all envy, big eye, poor quality, crisis, closed doors, lack of creativity, boldness, evil eye, prices, lack of faith, negativity, convenience , lack of confidence, barriers, lazy, impediments, rejection, lack of organization, dishonesty, slander, infidelity, negative propaganda, defamation, any obstacle or knot, witchcraft, black magic, moorings, contrary prayers and any type of influence of the forces from evil, any evil that has been mentalized, desired or sent to my professional and financial life to close the doors of my prosperity, so that clients reject me, turn around or disappear. please, from now on all the energies contrary to my evolution are eliminated.

Lord, eternal father! Ask me to send your Holy Spirit into my life, may the Lord pour out His wonderful blessings on me, increase my faith, give me wisdom, intelligence, ease of communication, joy, sympathy, courage, strength, creativity. .

Free now, father, all areas of my professional life and make me prosper richly so that all my finances, projects, businesses, businesses, services, products, client portfolio, contracts, investments and any remunerated activity that has prosper

God the Almighty Father, I thank you very much for having achieved my professional and financial liberation, for opening all the doors of the market, for miraculously increasing my clients and for ensuring the prosperity of my business.
I promise, Father, to share this dialogue with you, I promise, Father, to help those in need that you put in my way. Amen!

Prayer to urgently attract customers

At the end of this prayer, pray the Lord's Prayer three times and thank him for having fulfilled his wish. This will strengthen it even more.
'Lord God Almighty, help me achieve success. Today I pray for personal and professional help for my small business that is almost failing.

I pray with great faith and hope to help attract clients, money and more success to keep my business (business name).

I have always treated my clients fairly and honestly, so I ask for justice to return with them and with them.
I ask the Lord for mercy for my suffering. It depends on my business to live, supporting my children with the quality of life necessary for their journey on earth. Thank you for hearing my prayer. ' Amen!

Prayer to attract clients and the Seicho-No-Ie business to prosper

This Eastern philosophy has as one of its main thoughts prosperity, which is important in every area of ​​our lives. As we prosper, we evolve and contribute to the evolution of humanity. So, when our business thrives, everyone involved in this growth also enjoys the same energy.

'I never forget to thank God for the prosperity you have given me. All the necessary disposition is already in my hands. My faith controls all the riches in the world. God answers me before I ask you something. So all the good things I want are already in my hands. Christ taught: "Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and you will have it".

All the desire has already been fulfilled in the world of ideas and is also materializing on the material plane. I have already received in the world of ideas what I want, and I will also receive it in this palpable world, because each idea materializes.

I'm sure of that and thank God. I am already seeing the prosperity of my business and I am overflowing with joy. I am glad because I realized that I have the strength to achieve everything according to my thoughts.

I am infinitely grateful to God for the life and the wealth that I received. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much'!

Pigeon prayer to attract customers and money.

A messenger between the world of the orishas and the earth, the giraffe pigeon is known for its power to interfere with love relationships, but few people know that its power to attract money and prosperity it is equally large.

Because they are dominated by crossroads, cemeteries, doors and doors of entry and exit, this prayer becomes even more powerful when performed in one of these places. Maria Padilha's dove should be offered.

Cute Pigeon Maria Padilha tour, don't let the money escape me. Show me your power, make your journey and bring me a lot of money, whether through raffles, games and especially for my work. Show me your power, make your journey and bring me a lot of money (your name).

Where is he now and if he is with someone else who says my name (his name). I want and need a lot of money to come to me, so that the money belongs to me as soon as possible: I bind money, I bind money, I bind money, so that the money comes to me as soon as possible (your name). That money wishes to be with me forever. I want you to tie money, tie money, tie money to me (your name). Caught under my feet, always be with me, in my purse, wallet and house so that I (his name) spend it as he wants and have everything I want, that in the name of the great Queen Maria Padilha, I (his name) I earn a lot of money

Maria Padilha, leave the money tied to me forever every day of every year. Let the money come to me as soon as possible, come running to find me, do not rest until you belong to me.

May my desire to have a lot of money come true immediately. This same moment is already happening! So be it, it will be.

Prayer to attract money urgently

Many times our need is so urgent that we need a prayer to solve the problem immediately. The following sentence promises this effect.

Oh God creator of this immense universe, I am here to plead for my financial life. May a stream of wealth surround me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet.

Pour on me the gift of riches so that I can see your glory and proclaim your existence wherever I go. May the angel of money visit me and put in my hands the spirit of luck so that everything I touch will prosper!

You are the owner of gold and silver, so come from the four corners of the world to make me a blessed being of many possessions. You manifest in me your greatness and make me win, conquer and enrich, because you are a God who adds, multiplies and adds.

By the power of the name of Jesus Christ, I raise my voice and prophesy that from this moment the money will come in all directions, in avalanches of abundance. From now on, my destiny is sealed because I am a child of God who created all the riches of the world and I will become very rich.

This is what I ask and determine what will happen in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen Finish with an Our Father and thank him.

Prayer to attract customers and money from San Cipriano

The magician who has become a saint gathers the knowledge of the two universes, so his prayers are so powerful: The heavenly energy, associated with the energy of nature, is invincible. With great faith, say this orration to San Cipriano for money and see in practice the increase in your customers and the multiplication of money.

'Save San Cipriano, earn a lot of money, wealth and fortune, stay with me forever. San Cipriano brings me a lot of money, wealth and fortune.

Just as the rooster sings, the donkey rumbles, the bell rings, the goat screams, so you, San Cipriano, will bring me a lot of money, wealth and fortune.

As the sun rises, the rain falls, let St. Cyprian earn money, wealth and fortune upon me (his name), so be it.

Caught under my left foot, with two eyes I see money, wealth and fortune, with three I have money, wealth and fortune. With my Guardian Angel I ask that a lot of money, wealth and fortune come to me.

Like a snake that crawls and that money, wealth and fortune only feel very close to me, who cannot stay with those who do not deserve it, who does not stay with anyone but me, who meets all my needs Whatever I want, spend what I want, never make me suffer for being without it.

That when I sleep and get up there is always money, wealth and fortune inside my house, my purse, my pocket, my business or wherever I am.

May money, wealth and fortune not be far from me. So be it. By the power of St. Cyprian, it will be like that. May a large amount of money, wealth and fortune come so that you can have comfort, fame, power, health, help those in need and thus be happy.

I ask Saint Cyprian, that money, wealth and wealth still seek me today, I ask this to the power of the Three Black Souls who watch over Saint Cyprian, so be it. May money, wealth and fortune arrive at my home, my life, my business and my business. That the enemies do not see us, see us, so be it, it will be, it is done.

May Saint Cyprian and the Three Black Souls take care of him and heed my request. Amen!

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